TB1_20151128AA004_PNG_491541 is the .csv document attached and the one I am using to show how to upload it to Blackbird. 

Step 1 - Ensure that you have named the .csv doc as the same name as the sequence that you are relinking back to in Blackbird. 

Step 2 - Edit the file as an excel document ensuring that you have 4 key fields Disklabel,Reel Name, In and Logging

(ensure that you have no blank gaps in the .csv document and you have timecode for each logging entry)

Step 3 - Using the Upload Metadata feature select the .csv doc for upload

Step 4 -  On the Metaupload screen copy like for like as per the (oct film 3 screengrab) 

(ignore the unused rows message that you get)

Step 5 - Click on Apply under the Clips found section

Step 6 - Click the Go button to import the logging information

Step 7 - Log into the Blackbird Account and search for the media 

(If you are unable to see the logs after making the columns visible don't worry they simply just need to be created from the account configuration page. To do this go to the logging metadata columns (see screengrab - logging metadata)

Step 8 - Exit and Relaunch Blackbird and you should then be able to see the newly created fields with the logging information successfully imported. 

If you're still having trouble please contact us at [email protected] and one of our Support staff will then contact you with suggestions on how to resolve this issue.