time line comet tracks are used to

identify and annotate ranges of interest

in time within your sequence on the

Blackbird time line the comet tracks

icon looks like this and it's accessible

from the visible tracks toolbar clicking

the plus sign at the bottom left of the

time line opens the visible tracks bar

at this point click the check box to

enable the comet track notice when you

enable one common track a second common

track is added to the visible menu lists

and so on up to five common tracks can

be added the comet tracks can be renamed

this is visible by enabling the track

names option in the visible tracks bar

common tracks and other track names can

also be renamed from the track selector

on the timeline as well rename tracks

are saved as part of your edit to add a

comment directly to the time line hover

above the common track where an i-beam

will appear click on the common track of

your choice and start typing your

comment press ENTER on your keyboard

when your comment is complete notice

your comment is color coded and it has

your blackboard username to the right of

the comment this allows for

collaborative commenting this means

other users can comment on the same edit

and their comments will be color-coded

differently than yours an edit that

contains comments from multiple users

should be overwritten as it is saved so

all the comments appear within a single

collaborative edit additionally to view

other comments the collaborative edit

will have to be reloaded to see any

updates this process refreshes the Edit

comment lengths can be trimmed directly

on the timeline we recommend that you

trim the length of a comment using the

centre trim mode so

the icon hovers over both sides of the

comment this lets you trim your comment

to the length dynamically up and down

the timeline if multiple comments start

and end at the same time and if you only

want to trim a single comment or your

own comment right-click and trim the

specified comment this type of trim will

only affect the targeted track and will

not affect the other comment tracks if

your comment track has more content than

can be displayed a multi dot will appear

as the remainder of the comment will be

hidden within is just truncated in the
