comments and other timeline data tracks

can be viewed and edited as a convenient

list in the Edit side log denoted by

orange accents this is found in the view

selector in the Edit side log view you

will see your comments as spanned time

data if you don't see a specific comment

track right click on the menu header bar

and select the hidden comment track to

make it visible click on the options

button to hide and show other time data

in the log view within this list you can

single click on an individual comment

entry and jump to that comments start

location or double click on the comment

in the list and instantly play that

comment from its start position you can

also type or modify any existing comment

additionally you can edit the time code

to change the length of the span comment

and it will be reflected in the timeline

you can even add new comments to the

comment track from the log view comments

and other time data can be printed or

exported as a CSV file from the orange

side log view and comments can also be

exported to other NLEs

as non spanned marker data that includes

your comments through an AAF export