In the Blackbird Editor, once you have compiled your basic video sequence with synced video and audio clips, the next step is to trim your clips to ensure they cut together seamlessly. Trimming clips in your edited sequence is done directly on the timeline using the three trimming tools available.

Here's how to use the trimming tools

Hover Over Any Cut

To access the trimming tools, hover your mouse over any cut on the timeline. This will activate the trimming interface.

Double-Sided Trim Tool

Hover in the center of the cut and then drag the double-sided trim tool to trim the out point of the clip on the left and the end point of the clip on the right. This allows you to trim both ends of the clip simultaneously without changing the duration of your sequence.

The Trim Monitor automatically pops up when you trim, showing you the number of frames you've adjusted the clip by and the new in and out points of each clip.

Left-Sided Trim Tool

Hover slightly to the left of the cut and drag the left-sided trim tool to trim only the out point of the clip on the left.

Right-Sided Trim Tool

Hover slightly to the right of the cut and drag the right-sided trim tool to trim only the end point of the clip on the right.

Slip Edit

Hold down the Shift key on the keyboard and click anywhere on the clip. Then drag left or right to move the clip's in and out points. This is a slip edit that allows you to adjust the clip's timing without affecting its duration.

Trimming Synched Tracks Independently

To trim synced audio and video tracks independently for video overlays or audio underlays, select the trim tool on the track that you want to trim and hold down your right mouse button when you drag. Only the track that you are dragging over will be affected, and synced audio tracks will trim together even with a right drag.

To trim synced audio tracks independently, deselect the tracks that you don't want to be affected.


Trimming tools automatically snap to cuts, making it easier to find the right edit points and create seamless edits.

Using these trimming tools, you can precisely adjust the timing of your clips and ensure that all synced tracks remain in sync throughout your edited sequence.