In Blackbird, you can easily solo or mute audio tracks on both the source and edit sides. Here's how to do it:

For the Incoming Source Content (Logging or Clipping)

  1. Switch to the source feed by right-clicking on the Edit button on the timeline. This will open the view switch mode.

  2. Select the Blue source view, which will enable you to see the source tracks.

  3. Left-click on the monitor buttons of the tracks that you do not want to hear. By turning them off, you are effectively muting those tracks.

  4. To solo an individual track, right-click on the track. This will mute all the other tracks, leaving only the selected track audible.

  5. To multi-solo several tracks, right-click on a monitor button and individually left-click the additional tracks you want to hear.

For the Edit Side

  1. Switch back to the edit side by right-clicking on the Source button on the timeline and selecting the Edit view.

  2. On the edit side, you can perform mute and solo functions in the same manner as the source side.

  3. To mute a track, left-click on the monitor button of the track you want to mute.

  4. To solo a track, right-click on the track. This will mute all the other tracks, leaving only the selected track audible.

By using these methods, you can easily control the audio tracks and listen to specific tracks or a combination of tracks during the editing process, ensuring you have precise control over your audio content.