In Blackbird, you can also solo or mute audio sub-tracks using a similar method as audio tracks. However, instead of affecting the entire track, you will be modifying the level and pan characteristics of the specific sub-track group. Here's how to do it:

  1. This functionality primarily takes place on the edit-side timeline, but it can also be used on the source side. To access the audio sub-tracks, right-click on any or all audio tracks to expose them.

  2. Once the sub-tracks are visible, you can mute level or pan adjustments on a specific track by left-clicking on the associated monitor button to disable it.

  3. For example, if you want to mute level adjustments over time on a particular sub-track, click on its monitor button to disable it. This will effectively play the clip at its recorded volume without any level modifications.

  4. Similarly, if you want to mute the pan adjustment track for a specific sub-track, click on its monitor button to disable it. This will play the clip without any pan adjustments, keeping it centered in the stereo field.

  5. To solo a specific sub-track, right-click on the track. This action will mute either the level or pan characteristics on all the other tracks within that sub-track group, allowing you to focus on the adjustments of the selected sub-track.

By using these methods, you can control the level and pan characteristics of specific sub-tracks in your audio content, giving you more flexibility and precision in your audio editing process.