In Blackbird, you can easily solo or mute video tracks on either the source or edit side. Here's how to do it:

  1. Most commonly, these functions are used on the edit side timeline. To access the edit view, right-click to open the view selector and select the "Edit" view if it's not already enabled.

  2. On the timeline, take note of the video monitoring button, which is represented by a monitor icon on each video track. This button allows you to mute monitoring for the corresponding video track.

  3. To mute monitoring on a video track, simply left-click on the video monitoring button to turn it on or off. When the monitoring is off, the audio from that video track will not be audible during playback.

  4. Muting monitoring on a layer higher than layer 1 exposes the layer below, even if there are skipped layers in between. For example, turning off monitoring on layer 2 will show the content from layer 1, and so on.

  5. If you turn off monitoring on layer 1, it will display a blank track. Similarly, if there are no video tracks below the layer with monitoring muted, there will be no content shown.

  6. To solo an individual video track, right-click on the track, and it will mute all the other video tracks. This feature is useful for isolating or soloing specific layers that have multiple sub-layer effects, such as picture-in-picture, especially when evaluating animation.

  7. Additionally, other tracks such as titles, closed captions, and comment tracks can also be soloed or muted as a group according to their category. This provides more control and flexibility while editing and reviewing specific elements of the video.

By using these methods, you can easily manage and control the visibility and audibility of video tracks on the Blackbird timeline, making the editing process more efficient and effective.