In Blackbird, you can easily mute or solo video subtracks, such as transform, color, and image tracks, on either the source or edit side. This is particularly useful for focusing on specific effect types in a subtrack without having to view other tracks. Here's how to do it:

  1. Start on the edit side timeline. To access the edit view, right-click to open the view selector, and select the "Edit" view if it's not already selected.

  2. Right-click on any video track to expose the video subtracks. For example, a video track may contain a color adjustment effect and a transform effect as subtracks.

  3. To mute a specific subtrack, left-click on the monitor button of that subtrack. By doing this, you effectively bypass the sub track, muting its visibility and effects.

  4. For instance, if you wish to view only the transform effect without the colour adjustment, left-click on the colour subtrack's monitor button to mute it. The transform effect will remain visible because you are muting only the colour effect.

  5. Similarly, you can mute the transform effect while the colour monitoring remains enabled, resulting in a transform bypass.

  6. Right-clicking with multiple video subtrack layers enabled will solo the current sublayer and mute all other subtrack layers of the same group. For example, if you have multiple color subtracks, right-clicking on one will solo that subtrack and mute all the other color subtracks, allowing you to focus on a specific color effect.

Using these methods, you can easily control which subtracks are visible and active on the Blackbird timeline, helping you focus on specific effects and making the editing process more efficient.