Camera edit/switch functions can be achieved using the number pad on the keyboard. If your keyboard does not have this, you can program macros to other keys, however, they are sold online for very cost-effective pricing, and it should be a standard part of your toolkit if you are working in multicam.

Camera switching with audio or not following video is based on tracks being locked or unlocked and track selectors. 

The first step is to decide whether you want the audio tracks to change and follow the video on each edit, or have them pinned to specific audio tracks.

If the audio tracks are to remain pinned, and do not follow video, the first step is unlocking audio from video on the timeline toolbar using the lock button.  This function can also be assigned to a keyboard shortcut. If audio is to follow video, no unlocking is needed. This can be done at any time during the editing process. 

The next step is to disable the audio track selectors. This means only the video track will switch.

Notice when I change cameras, the video using the standard home row numbers, the video changes but the audio remains pinned. If an audio is track is enabled, it will switch as well.

Now it’s time to edit using a live switch technique. 

Start playing the video, when you want to change cameras, simply press the associate camera with number pad. 1 is cam 1 in the upper left quadrant, 2 is cam 2 to the right of it, and so on. Using the number pad, will create an edit and switch the camera.

In our next tutorial, you will learn how to modify multicamera edits on the timeline