Creating a Permanent Keyboard Shortcut for Half Speed Playback in Blackbird

Playing back video and audio at 50% speed can help you observe and hear details that might be missed during full frame-rate playback. To set a permanent keyboard shortcut for half speed playback using a Blackbird macro, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the shortcuts window with the icon of the keyboard.

  2. Search for the phrase "Start Playback" in the keyboard shortcuts. This will be defined as the keyboard letter "L" under the timeline and storyboard focus.

  3. Double-click on the words under the "Action" column related to "Start Playback" to add it to a Macro.

  4. Now, search for "HALF speed" using the timeline and storyboard action. Double-click on the words "Half speed playback action" to add it to the macro, which is now defined as "Start Playback" plus "Half speed playback."

  5. Assign a keyboard shortcut to the macro. For example, you can use "Shift + L" for half-speed forward playback.

  6. Next, for reverse half speed, search for the word "reverse" and use the timeline and storyboard focus letter "J." Double-click on the words "Start reverse playback" to add it to the macro.

  7. Like before, search for "half speed" using the timeline and storyboard action. Double-click on the words "Half speed playback action" to add it to the macro.

  8. Assign a keyboard shortcut to this reverse half-speed macro. For example, you can use "Shift + J."

  9. Save your keyboard settings under the shortcuts and then close the window.

Now you have a permanent macro for half speed playback in both forward and reverse directions. These keyboard shortcuts will enhance your video and audio review process, allowing you to focus on details that might be overlooked during regular playback.