Welcome! Getting set up with Blackbird is a quick and easy process. Just follow these steps.
1. Your account admin or a member of the Blackbird team should have sent your an invite to Blackbird. Please check your inbox for an email from [email protected]. If you don't see the email please check your spam folder or confirm with your admin that the invite was sent.
When you receive your email, click the link to start your new account registration.

2. On the invitation page click "Register a new username."
3. Fill in the new user form. Then click "Continue"
4. You should see a confirmation of your new user information, please confirm that the information you entered is correct and then click "Continue" to proceed or click "Back" to fix any errors.
5. Your new account is now registered and an email has been sent to your email address.
6. You should have an new email in your inbox from [email protected] with a link to set your password. Click the link to continue.
7. Set a password for your account.
8. You should now be able to log in to your account at cloud.Blackbird.video