To add a publishing button, you need to be an account manager. Please follow the below instructions if you are an account manager and want to add this feature to your account. Please note that this option is added for the entire project and access to this feature can only be limited by the role of users (for example Loggers, Editors, Account Managers etc).


  • Log into your Blackbird account at:
  • Click on your account name to get onto your account settings page
  • Go to the "Publishing" tab from the left 
  • Click the "New Publishing Button" option
  • Select the type of publishing button.
  • If you need to save a copy on the local machine of the user, we suggest using the "Publish and host on Blackbird cloud" option as this will give the user the ability to download the sequence they have exported.

  • Press "OK" when you have selected you publishing type
  • Select the AAF format from the "Format" tab dropdown list.

  • From the "Settings" tab, make sure that the Status is set to Enabled and your image has been selected
  • From the "Roles" tab, select the roles of the people who should be allowed to use this publishing feature (a tick means they will have access to this option).
  • Press the create button at the bottom of the page when you are done.
  • Restart Blackbird and drag a sequence into the new Publishing button to test it out.

    If you have any issues creating a publishing button or have any questions, please contact support and one of our team will contact you and assist with this.